Also Available on Amazon & CDBaby
Mindful Pregnancy for a Mindful Birthing
MP3s available on CDBaby:
1st Trimester – CB BABY / AMAZON / ITUNES
2nd Trimester – CB BABY / AMAZON / ITUNES
3rd Trimester – CD BABY / AMAZON / ITUNES
What Is God Anyway?: God and Evolution A Great Beginning
[Kindle Edition] ISBN# 9781483528694 – Length: 14 pages
Hypnobirthing® The Original Method®
Mindful Pregnancy and Easy Labor Using the Leclaire Child birth Method®
Now on Amazon
Also available on Kindle here
Hypnobirthing® #1 Pregnancy creating comfort within
Hypnobirthing® – Creating Comfort Within – for a Healthy, Calm, Joyous Pregnancy When you start with a mindful pregnancy it is easy to change your fears about pregnancy, birth and parenting into positive thoughts and actions.
Download MP3 here
Audio CD from Amazon
Hypnobirthing® #2 Labor / Birthing from the Inside out
Hypnobirthing® – Birthing from the Inside Out This CD is your preparation to birthing from within your mindful awareness of your rhythmic risings (formerly known as contractions) as they gently guide your baby down through the birth canal.
Download MP3 here
Audio CD from Amazon
British Version – Hypnobirthing® The Leclaire Method®
Download MP3 here: CD BABY / AMAZON / ITUNES
Meditations for Pregnancy
36 Weekly Practices for Bonding with Your Unborn Baby
Available at Amazon
Also available on Kindle here
HYPNOFERTILITY® – The Leclaire Method®
Create Comfort, Transcend Fear
MP3 download is also available here
Creative Childbirth
This book is the easy use of the latest mind/body techniques as they apply to pregnancy, labor and birth. This along with the complete HYPNOBIRTHING® METHOD as taught in the book dispels all the old myths, teaching mothers how to let go of the fear, embrace the joy and transcend the pain. It also teaches fathers how to be the support person every mother longs for.
Click to Order now on Amazon
Playful Moon
Join a little girl on her charming journey as she and her dog discover the, joy, the light, the dance and the friendship of the moon, before she drifts off into a sweet slumber. 100% of the sale of this delightful bedtime story will go to the non-profit organization SMART BEGINNINGS / EASY PREVENTIONS:
A teenage pregnancy, parenting, and prevention program.
Click to Order now on Amazon
The Secret Realized [Audio CD]
This CD (voice and music background) is the perfect gift and guideline for you to realize your dreams. It is also of great benefit for anyone in the process of healing from any disease or problem. The Secret Realized offers you Health, Healing, and Peak Performance. Phone consultations at the Mind/Body Wellness Center are available. For an appointment call 310.454.0920. Be the first in your household to enjoy the benefits of The Secret Realized. Begin now!! Fulfill your wildest dreams and your deepest desires. Be all that you are meant to be!!!
Click to Order now on Amazon
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Children’s Stories & Beliefs About Heaven
Discussion of beliefs & desires around life , death and dying along with stories and beliefs of children from many different religions as they ponder an afterlife
Hipnoparto® Embarazo (Una)
Relajacion durante el embarazo y preparacion para un parto seguro facile
Download MP3 here
Hipnoparto® Nacimiento (Dos)
Relajacion durante el embarazo y preparacion para un parto seguro facile
Download MP3 here
Let Go & Let Golf
Have more fun while playing and improve the success of your game through the power of your mind and the ease and energizing of your body. Arrive 15 minutes early at your course ,close your eyes and listen. Proceeds go to
Download MP3 here
Healing Your Trauma – Deep Relaxation, Safe Imagery and Letting Go
Safe, easy, effective tools for healing War trauma and other traumas. You can feel safe and well again. Peace be with you.
Download MP3 here
Hipnoparto Y Parto Creativo: Cómo dar a luz con confianza y sin miedo Altravez del Método Leclaire® (Spanish Edition) Kindle Edition
Promoción de la salud de toda la vida de su bebé comienza en el útero. Aquí aprenderás a tener el embarazo que da poder y fácil, parto seguro y post-parto que desee.
Puede hacer que el embarazo y el parto que desea ser un Hipnoparto® completamente natural, epidural o una cesárea, su elección. Para una madre saludable y un bebé sano Hipnopart®o y educación Mindfulness que se alinea con el poder de su mente, de la comodidad de tu Cuerpo y de la celebración de su nacimiento. Haga Únase a los miles de madres en todo el mundo en nuestra misión de “llevar la paz al mundo un bebé a la vez”.
After reading the book you can now go to our audio Creating Comfort Within, which is meditation, relaxation and hipnoparto for pregnancy. Also Birthing from the Inside Out, Hipnoparto for Labor and Birth.