Slow, Joyful, Healthy Dining
Whether alone or with people, eat in a pleasant setting, (never eat standing or while walking) sitting outside under a tree, in a garden, watching the birds. Turn off TV, set table nicely – a candle is always relaxing; joyous or meditative music played at a low volume, silence or happy conversation, talking about nothing […]
Exercise and Play
Exercise – For example, walk out your front door and go for 15 minutes and return. That gives you ½ hour of exercise; join YMCA, get a dog, walk a neighbor’s dog, swim, swim, swim. Walk up and down a flight of stairs. Oftentimes when depressed it is difficult to move and motivate yourself. Push […]
Remedy: 1) Get help and do not go it alone; it’s called social support. 2) Examples of social support: Friends, family, AA, Alanon, church, temple, mosque, priest, minister, rabbi, become a volunteer, take a class. Call our center to schedule a phone consultation or live appointment. Start a book club or breastfeeding gathering or a […]